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EJ Cooksey
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Location: Beryl, Utah, United States

I am a full-time Internet marketing specialist. I've written 2 successful e-books. My passion is helping other people, especially women, become successful in home business. Most recently, I've moved to Beryl, UT to join forces with a couple of other women. We're jointly creating a number of ways to earn income using the Internet and our off-line skills. Be sure to check out my various blogs, as these will provide direct information to our new business ventures.


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Monday, August 28, 2006

DXSynergy is on the move... forward!

Wow, going from a relatively fast wireless connection back to dial-up temporarily, is a little like camping in a tent vs. having the comfy RV. The complex where I live has been experiencing serious wireless issues and has decided to seek a new provider. That puts me back on dial up... and believe it or not, I'm thankful it still exists.

It's been a little over 2 weeks now, and things are moving forward with DXSynergy.

The portfolios are live; the DXGlobal Businesses are active with DXMerchants processing exchanges; and new money flowing into the system. Just yesterday evening, there was even a release of up to 1% of Beta Funds (TR-1) for use.

For what it's worth, here's the actions I took as soon as the portfolios became available.

I returned every possible bit of funds to my portfolios. Yes, that included a small amount of Production Funds (from Adxposed and TradeBiz commissions), as well as all my TR1 and TR3 funds.

I used the Production Funds to pay back what I could on the old DXDebit/Credit Line, now called DXDWithdrawn.

I used the remaining funds to purchase new digots using the "spread". That means I bought equal currency values of digots across all that I could. Earlier I had restructured my portfolio to include only US Digots. My prime reason for that was to minimize the risk of currency fluctuations.

I figure the more simple I can keep things, the easier it is to figure out what's happening. There's plenty of time later to learn how to maximize things.

Why did I choose to return even my TR-1 funds, even though they are due to be released first?

There has never been a timeline for release, beyond saying those funds would be tagged for release first. So, rather than let my funds sit idle, I chose to put them to work earning credits and helping to rebuild what is a pretty "trashed" portfolio.

I am in this for the long haul, so building a solid portfolio is paramount to me. When the time is right, I'll be able to live on the daily earnings without touching the principle, very much like an annuity.

DXSynergy is still bringing various things on line.

It's still not possible to clearly understand the "Production Funds". From time-to-time, I get a few cents, but since moving the commissions from Adxposed and TradeBiz, I've been unable to determine exactly where these come from. Perhaps tonight we'll see another update.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

DXSynergy: Performing a very bold "live launch"

We're now some 40+ hours in to the launch process from "beta" DXIO to "production" DXSynergy. I've got to tell you that had I not previously executed this type of launch twice, I'd be very fearful for what they are doing.

Doing a "live upgrade" like this is a akin to gathering a group of musicians and giving them brand new music, and then immediately putting them on stage to perform. Oh, and in that new music, there are some very familiar tunes with instructions that they are free to improvise. The musicians are completely immersed in what they are doing, oblivious to the audience. They also don't hear the music the same way the audience does, having a more greater perception of note attack, pitch, intensity, and tone.

When you look at the site right now, it's a hodge-podge of new and old. I can understand what's happening.

They've uploaded the "old" data under the new skin. Now, they've said there are well over 8 million lines of code, so you can imagine it's a huge undertaking.

What we are seeing is the Graphical User Interface, or GUI. We see only the results of the coding. We see the results of the calculations. We get the results from the database queries.

What we don't see is what it takes for data migration, especially when it comes to something as complex as the DXIO Portfolios.

So we all have something to look at, it appears DXIO has uploaded "place holders" consisting of the old pages while they continue with the data migration. Once the critical data migration is complete, then it's a matter of doing some re-arranging of the tables, and cleaning up the html with the web copy.

My guess is that we'll have access to our Portfolios within the next few hours.

Over the next several days, we'll continue to see changes and additions to all the other "Services". For example, DXConcierge had been suspended with the failure of the hotel purchase. Unless they've executed some new arrangements, that entire section could disappear and be replaced with DXPublisher, which does not yet have a slot, and yet we know it's the next module to be released.

For the folks looking in from the outside, this all looks entirely unwhelming as they were expecting a huge WOW Factor, and more instant gratification... the likes of which rarely exsists in business.

Be sure to stop by for the next installment... perhaps I'll be reporting on the new "workings" of DXSynergy Portfolio G2.


Tuesday, August 15, 2006

DXIO morphs into... DXSynergy

DXSyergy is emerging right now from it's "beta cocoon".

What does it look like? How much is complete? How soon can you make money with it? Is it really destined to be a true internationally recognized brand name?

Only time will tell.

The latest news item says it will take the next 24+ hours for the full site to be functioning and then a couple of weeks for the latest business module, "DXPublisher" to be fully integrated.

In the meantime, you can check out the gist of it right here.

DXIO Status... where to find the scuttlebutt.

While we wait for DX to transition to G2, I thought this would be a good time to identify some of the players in this great drama.

DXIO, owned and operated by a company based in Vanuatu named GDT (Global Digital Transfers, Inc). We know that at least a couple of the representatives are Australian, having listened to them in some audio recordings.

DXPT (DX PowerTeam), created by Dave Bennett, Grand Haven, MI is one of the folks who originally figured out first how to make the program relatively liquid, and then proceeded to teach others. He also created and marketed the premier (and most expensive) course about DXGold (aka DXIO).

Various marketers... After Dave came the likes of MAZU, nothing more than a marketer who took the "get rich quick" message to new heights. He was followed by others who continually cut the price, as well as the information, until all that was left was a pack of lies and marketing hype.

Well-meaning Trainers... Warren Barnes is passionate about DXIO and provided a usable, reasonably priced "how-to" which took you through the basics of establishing your portfolio, but not the more intricate strategies. DX4All (originally DXforDummies) is a pretty much free-to-use forum which dispenses "how-to". Lightly moderated, it now contains some of the best free information about DXIO. You'll also have to wade through quite a bit of extraneous posts, as it does get a little "chatty".

Additional trainers... Sharon Toberer owns She is probably the most senior US member of DXIO, having gotten involved in 1999 under the original ownership group. While there is some free information, the training is via subscription based forum. Simon Minister owns in the UK and provides considerable training materials. He is a student of DXPT, but also thinks for himself.

And then the various forums... of which there are really too many to list. Most are regurgitations of the sites listed above. There is one exception, and that is where a small, but hardy, band of folks who would relish in the demise of DXIO, hang out. That is at the more or less infamous, forum.

So there you have it, the object (DXIO), and the players, all sides, each putting their own spin on it. Some do it for profit, some do it for altruism, and some do it for sport.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Thoughts about the impending DXIO launch...

Have you ever seen a new ship launch? Because it's basically built in a dry dock, the first time in the water is always very exciting. Is it going to float? Will the engines start? What about the steering, will it work? Oh, and how about all the other millions of little details...

I believe this is what we're now seeing with DXIO.

I know there are many who have said that DXIO never explained it was still in "beta". Now, I'm very well read and more than one time I remember Dave Bennett refer to this as a "beta" system, and that until ALL the modules are released, we'd be seeing only parts of the system.

So where are we... really, is this the BIG LAUNCH?

Personally, I believe this is the launch from dry dock to water... We're headed out now on our maiden journey.

Ever gone on a "maiden journey"? Or, ever been to a restaurant on opening day? How about even having gone to a store on opening day... and I don't mean for the Grand Opening. Sometimes they're a breeze and a very pleasant experience. More often than not you'll find many frayed nerves as you watch staff scurrying around to first "put out the fires", then control the damage, never mind finding a way to prevent a repeat at the moment.

That all comes later in the debriefing. That's when you clear your head and say, "Ok, that was real..."

So, tonight at 6pm PT when the DXIO site goes off line, and the DX4All site also goes offline for upgrades, there will many celebrations. The supporters who've hung in there and understand what's happening will be waiting anxiously to board this new vessel. The detractors will be praying the ship sinks, and short of that, they'll be hoping for significant SNAFU's, in hopes she'll sink on her maiden voyage.

What about me? What will I do? Well, you'll have to return here to find out. I do have a plan, and I'll be revealing it as we go along.


Sunday, August 13, 2006

Ahh, the anticipation... DXIO coming to life

Yes, it's true. DXIO is coming to life over the next few hours. What we've been seeing for the past 6 years (well, I've only seen it for the past 16 months) has been a huge evolution. From it's very early days as some kind of off shore retirement fund to DXGold and finally to DXInOne and tomorrow to...

I can't help but feel excited, and yet anxious, too. Having been involved in other programs that have risen from "alpha to beta" and finally to public launch, so many things to do, and so little time to do them.

I guess it's time to put things into perspective. The best way I can relate what DXIO must be going through would be to equate it with a traditional business I created.

My idea was born in 1980 and went through many incarnations before I finally saw any profit. In fact, by the time the business matured, it was more parallel to what I had originally created, than the actual original business.

Along the way we had many ups and downs, starts and stops, successes and failures. DXIO has certainly had their share as you read through the histories.

After about 9 years and 3 physical moves, we felt it was time to build our own facility. Now, my little business was very "deadline driven". We worked with perishable products and our market was one of "get it here right now, tomorrow is way too late." As a result, we built the new facility while continuing to operate the old one.

I still remember standing on what was to be the paved street in front of our plant some 30 days after the gravel had gone down, pacing back and forth while on the cell phone talking with the contractors. My only question... how come my street isn't paved? The answer... it's the weather, it's our schedule, we have to wait for the city, blah, blah, blah.

My concern was that we were falling behind my schedule. We couldn't get the big equipment in to prepare the building site until after the road was paved, and of course the utilities also had to go in before and after the paving.

Well, long story short, with a whole lot of riding herd on sub-contractors, I brought the project to completion about 3 weeks later than I'd liked, but under budget, which was more important.

Now, back to DXIO. With programming, it's very difficult to hold to a deadine. I know that sounds pretty stupid, but consider this... When you write code, there is no margin of error. After all, everything you write is simply some representation of "electronic logic". It's either "on" or "off". That means each single character, which represents a "bit", and two bits make a "byte" or a state of on or off, can affect many other areas of a program. Forget one semi-colon, or mis-spell a command, and you've got problems.

So they've been programming and testing, running a parallel system, working to assimilate as much data as possible and create as real as possible the scenarios we'll see at launch.

What do I believe will happen tonight? Oh, I suspect the site will be down for an hour or so... maybe even 24 hours. I believe they're also changing servers so most of the down time will be related to the propagation issues around the world, not to DXIO. I can promise you that DXIO will get the blame. If they've done their programming correctly, we may see a short blip, and then experience G2.

At any rate, as G2 comes to life, we're in for a whole new learning curve. All I can say is... the sooner the better.
