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EJ Cooksey
Internet Marketing
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Location: Beryl, Utah, United States

I am a full-time Internet marketing specialist. I've written 2 successful e-books. My passion is helping other people, especially women, become successful in home business. Most recently, I've moved to Beryl, UT to join forces with a couple of other women. We're jointly creating a number of ways to earn income using the Internet and our off-line skills. Be sure to check out my various blogs, as these will provide direct information to our new business ventures.


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Monday, August 14, 2006

Thoughts about the impending DXIO launch...

Have you ever seen a new ship launch? Because it's basically built in a dry dock, the first time in the water is always very exciting. Is it going to float? Will the engines start? What about the steering, will it work? Oh, and how about all the other millions of little details...

I believe this is what we're now seeing with DXIO.

I know there are many who have said that DXIO never explained it was still in "beta". Now, I'm very well read and more than one time I remember Dave Bennett refer to this as a "beta" system, and that until ALL the modules are released, we'd be seeing only parts of the system.

So where are we... really, is this the BIG LAUNCH?

Personally, I believe this is the launch from dry dock to water... We're headed out now on our maiden journey.

Ever gone on a "maiden journey"? Or, ever been to a restaurant on opening day? How about even having gone to a store on opening day... and I don't mean for the Grand Opening. Sometimes they're a breeze and a very pleasant experience. More often than not you'll find many frayed nerves as you watch staff scurrying around to first "put out the fires", then control the damage, never mind finding a way to prevent a repeat at the moment.

That all comes later in the debriefing. That's when you clear your head and say, "Ok, that was real..."

So, tonight at 6pm PT when the DXIO site goes off line, and the DX4All site also goes offline for upgrades, there will many celebrations. The supporters who've hung in there and understand what's happening will be waiting anxiously to board this new vessel. The detractors will be praying the ship sinks, and short of that, they'll be hoping for significant SNAFU's, in hopes she'll sink on her maiden voyage.

What about me? What will I do? Well, you'll have to return here to find out. I do have a plan, and I'll be revealing it as we go along.


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