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EJ Cooksey
Internet Marketing
Just 4 Families
My Radical Blog
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Location: Beryl, Utah, United States

I am a full-time Internet marketing specialist. I've written 2 successful e-books. My passion is helping other people, especially women, become successful in home business. Most recently, I've moved to Beryl, UT to join forces with a couple of other women. We're jointly creating a number of ways to earn income using the Internet and our off-line skills. Be sure to check out my various blogs, as these will provide direct information to our new business ventures.


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Monday, January 09, 2006

Looks like some pretty kewl stuff going on...

Wow, I don't know about you, but DXIO is moving at about warp speed right now.

No more jokes about "Vanuatu time"... shortly means sometime in your lifetime, etc.

Since the first of the year, it's become very obvious that there really is much more to DXIO than just having an inflated portfolio and the coveted "merchant console".

Last year, DXIO introduced the DX Business concept. At the time, you could register your business, and purchase advertising called AdXposed, like what you see here in my blog.

They also introduced DXTradeBiz, a way to entice other businesses to purchase advertising. I've got to tell you, that's a very easy way to make a few bucks. You find the business, and DXIO does all the work. If ads are purchased, you get paid. I like that a lot.

Along came DXConcierge... at least it's evolving. You can actually book a holiday at the DX Grand Hotel on Vanuatu. Don't really want to go there? That's ok. You can "earmark" rooms with some of your earnings, and then wait for someone else to "challenge" your earmark for an actual booking. Then you get paid "gains"... kind of like interest for having dedicated some of your earnings.

As you can see, there's really a lot more to this business than just growing a portfolio.

'Til later...

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