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EJ Cooksey
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Location: Beryl, Utah, United States

I am a full-time Internet marketing specialist. I've written 2 successful e-books. My passion is helping other people, especially women, become successful in home business. Most recently, I've moved to Beryl, UT to join forces with a couple of other women. We're jointly creating a number of ways to earn income using the Internet and our off-line skills. Be sure to check out my various blogs, as these will provide direct information to our new business ventures.


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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

DXIO Status... where to find the scuttlebutt.

While we wait for DX to transition to G2, I thought this would be a good time to identify some of the players in this great drama.

DXIO, owned and operated by a company based in Vanuatu named GDT (Global Digital Transfers, Inc). We know that at least a couple of the representatives are Australian, having listened to them in some audio recordings.

DXPT (DX PowerTeam), created by Dave Bennett, Grand Haven, MI is one of the folks who originally figured out first how to make the program relatively liquid, and then proceeded to teach others. He also created and marketed the premier (and most expensive) course about DXGold (aka DXIO).

Various marketers... After Dave came the likes of MAZU, nothing more than a marketer who took the "get rich quick" message to new heights. He was followed by others who continually cut the price, as well as the information, until all that was left was a pack of lies and marketing hype.

Well-meaning Trainers... Warren Barnes is passionate about DXIO and provided a usable, reasonably priced "how-to" which took you through the basics of establishing your portfolio, but not the more intricate strategies. DX4All (originally DXforDummies) is a pretty much free-to-use forum which dispenses "how-to". Lightly moderated, it now contains some of the best free information about DXIO. You'll also have to wade through quite a bit of extraneous posts, as it does get a little "chatty".

Additional trainers... Sharon Toberer owns She is probably the most senior US member of DXIO, having gotten involved in 1999 under the original ownership group. While there is some free information, the training is via subscription based forum. Simon Minister owns in the UK and provides considerable training materials. He is a student of DXPT, but also thinks for himself.

And then the various forums... of which there are really too many to list. Most are regurgitations of the sites listed above. There is one exception, and that is where a small, but hardy, band of folks who would relish in the demise of DXIO, hang out. That is at the more or less infamous, forum.

So there you have it, the object (DXIO), and the players, all sides, each putting their own spin on it. Some do it for profit, some do it for altruism, and some do it for sport.

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