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EJ Cooksey
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Location: Beryl, Utah, United States

I am a full-time Internet marketing specialist. I've written 2 successful e-books. My passion is helping other people, especially women, become successful in home business. Most recently, I've moved to Beryl, UT to join forces with a couple of other women. We're jointly creating a number of ways to earn income using the Internet and our off-line skills. Be sure to check out my various blogs, as these will provide direct information to our new business ventures.


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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

DXSynergy: Performing a very bold "live launch"

We're now some 40+ hours in to the launch process from "beta" DXIO to "production" DXSynergy. I've got to tell you that had I not previously executed this type of launch twice, I'd be very fearful for what they are doing.

Doing a "live upgrade" like this is a akin to gathering a group of musicians and giving them brand new music, and then immediately putting them on stage to perform. Oh, and in that new music, there are some very familiar tunes with instructions that they are free to improvise. The musicians are completely immersed in what they are doing, oblivious to the audience. They also don't hear the music the same way the audience does, having a more greater perception of note attack, pitch, intensity, and tone.

When you look at the site right now, it's a hodge-podge of new and old. I can understand what's happening.

They've uploaded the "old" data under the new skin. Now, they've said there are well over 8 million lines of code, so you can imagine it's a huge undertaking.

What we are seeing is the Graphical User Interface, or GUI. We see only the results of the coding. We see the results of the calculations. We get the results from the database queries.

What we don't see is what it takes for data migration, especially when it comes to something as complex as the DXIO Portfolios.

So we all have something to look at, it appears DXIO has uploaded "place holders" consisting of the old pages while they continue with the data migration. Once the critical data migration is complete, then it's a matter of doing some re-arranging of the tables, and cleaning up the html with the web copy.

My guess is that we'll have access to our Portfolios within the next few hours.

Over the next several days, we'll continue to see changes and additions to all the other "Services". For example, DXConcierge had been suspended with the failure of the hotel purchase. Unless they've executed some new arrangements, that entire section could disappear and be replaced with DXPublisher, which does not yet have a slot, and yet we know it's the next module to be released.

For the folks looking in from the outside, this all looks entirely unwhelming as they were expecting a huge WOW Factor, and more instant gratification... the likes of which rarely exsists in business.

Be sure to stop by for the next installment... perhaps I'll be reporting on the new "workings" of DXSynergy Portfolio G2.


Comments on "DXSynergy: Performing a very bold "live launch""


Blogger Shari Thomas said ... (5:21 PM) : 

Hello Rebecca,

Thanks for finding my blog.

As long as "opposing" comments are well-thought out, and not personal attacks, I fully intend to allow posts to stand.

I am a regular reader of many forums and do my own thinking and exploring in regards to what I read and hear.

For me, personally, I see a solid future in DXSynergy. Maybe that is because I didn't swallow all the hype about how fast you could take money out, or how rich you could get.

I see this a very long-term business model. I realize there are many who will argue against that, and that is ok with me. Let's just say that I've got a long business background in "other than conventional" markets and can apprreciate what they're attempting to do.

One thing for sure, we're all on a journey, creating the roadmap as we go.



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