Fine-tuning my Entrecard Advertiser's Loyalty Program
We've been at this for the past 3 weeks or so, and I'm noticing that what I think is being paid, is different from what actually gets paid... and I have no accurate way to forecast. So, I'm making changes shich could put more EC back into your pocket, but and keep me from paying out more than I make. I'm sure you'll agree that is a fair compromise. Starting immediately (with ads purchased to run beginning May 1), I'll still be recording your ad on my spread sheet. But, here's what will be different. 1. Each month, I'll add up all the EC I've recieved in each blog. I'll hold random number drawings for each blog for that month and award 50% of what I've received to one advertiser per blog. 2. I'll take 25% of what I've received and put it into a pool that I'll use for a larger prize across all the advertisers. When that pool reaches 500 EC I'll hold a random number drawing across all the advertisers and award the entire pool to one lucky advertiser. 3. You still get a link on my blogrolls (all of them) once you've advertised 10 times with me. You can advertise all on one blog, or split your advertising across any of my blogs. 4. Advertise 10 times on a single blog, and I'll post your EC widget as an image with a direct link to your blog. Your widget will remain on my blog for a full month. For each 10 repeated ads, I'll post your EC widget for another month. This means you'll have a 1 in 30 or 31 chance to win a fair amount of EC from each blog each month. As each drawing is independent, you could win up to five times in a single month. Bottom line... the more you advertise, the more opportunity you have to win. The more times you advertise on a single blog, the more I'll work to promote you. I'll make it easy for you... here are the EC links to purchase ads on each of the blogs. Let's do Business with Real Online Businesses Success Notes Ask Me Why... Work From Home Ask Shari About PGA Tour Fantasy Golf Shari's Gone Country |
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