This blog is changing directions...
If you noticed the header... DXSynergy is off line for the foreseeable future. I've been patient, waiting the the right time to announce that DXSynergy was actually open and doing business. Unfortunately, that's not the case. Recently, I've come to realize that this blog needs to provide you solid information about how to make money. I look at my stats, and see that when you come here, and the links are broken... you're going to the next link that talks about making money. So, for the forseeable future... that is until such time as DXSynergy returns to life and actually does business, please visit the sites shown above. I am removing all links in the sidebar which go to DXSynergy, and replacing them with ads of companies that provide good products and services right now. I am working with Project Wonderful, AdToll, Entrecard and Google AdSense to provide the things you want. From time-to-time, I will update this blog with info about DXSynergy and my other businesses. Watch for the new advertising, and future posts! |
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