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EJ Cooksey
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Location: Beryl, Utah, United States

I am a full-time Internet marketing specialist. I've written 2 successful e-books. My passion is helping other people, especially women, become successful in home business. Most recently, I've moved to Beryl, UT to join forces with a couple of other women. We're jointly creating a number of ways to earn income using the Internet and our off-line skills. Be sure to check out my various blogs, as these will provide direct information to our new business ventures.


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Saturday, December 02, 2006

Could this be your perfect home business?

Is this your idea of working from home?
  1. You sit down in front of your computer.
  2. You open your online business center and look over a few charts.
  3. You make some quick decisions, push a few buttons, and total up your earnings...
Total time taken less than 1 hour a day to make an insane income!

Notice there was no "pick up the phone and start calling", or write a bunch of e-mail ads, or go bug your friends and family about your business...

When you're looking for a pure "work from home" job, which pays you instantly and residually, owning and using this information puts a solid financial base under you.

Shari Thomas, Forest Grove, Oregon. I'm a fun loving single woman who shares my apartment with a lovable Finnish Spitz dog. My only goals in life are to share whatever I make, whatever I learn with all my friends I'm Shari Thomas, work from home specialist who's been harboring a secret! You see, I've been working with a "beta team" of some 20,000 other work from home specialists testing and helping develop an entirely new and radical Internet Economy. For nearly two years, I've hinted around to folks about this... and when I did, they thought I was off my rocker. I'm here to tell you that it's for real... and it's coming to life before my very eyes.

Why am I bothering to share my find with you?

Here's the honest-to-God truth. The demand for people in this industry is so great, they actually pay me to find and train folks...

Will you have to do that? No, not unless you want to. I'll guarantee you though, that once you begin working this job, your friends will notice something different about you... Maybe it will be the perpetual grin on your face, or the spring in your step, or even other outward signs like new clothes, a new car, more toys...

Ok, I've tantalized you enough already. Time to talk turkey about this awesome gem!

Here's what it is...

I am providing you a course which literally teaches you everything you need to know about a little known industry. This international industry is growing exponentially as a direct result of increased global e-commerce. The more business gets done on the Internet, the larger this industry becomes, and you get to be a part of it.

Now, you could "Google" some keywords, and come up with more information than you can read in a year about this industry. You'd also have to spend a long, long time verifying and validating the information before you could really make any serious money... or you could get this course.

It's the difference between using a hammer and chisel to break into the vault...
or having the combination to the lock!

I have the combination and have been given permission to share it with you.

What do you get when you purchase this course?

For a one-time purchase price, you get

  • Your own complete, constantly updated, streaming media course which takes you by the hand through every nook and cranny and guides you step by step through each task.
  • You learn directly from the foremost expert in this industry. He developed the course, and you see his own stuff in the videos. He provides you constantly updated information at no charge for the rest of your life.
  • You get access to a whole group of extremely knowlegable individuals who help one another with each new task, and module as they come online.
  • You get my personal assistance in translating any of the "financial gobbleygook". I'm an Instant Message or e-mail message away from you.
  • You get lifetime access to weekly teleconferences and web conferences hosted by the course owner. From time-to-time, I even host additional conferences. We use these to ensure you understand everything. They're always lively question and answer sessions.
  • You discover exactly how to make money with this course, and it's easier than driving a car!
  • You get the combination to the lock that opens the vault of e-currency gold!

Here is what you don't get... or more importantly, don't have to do.

  • You don't have to sell this product to anyone in order to make money.
  • You don't have to recruit anyone into anything in order to make money.
  • You don't have to spend a lifetime struggling to save a few bucks.
  • You don't have to be afraid this is all a dream.
  • You won't have to worry about money ever again after about 6 months.

Here's the really crazy mind-boggling part... even though the course costs you money, and you'll have to put up a small amount of capital, you will begin to make money within 24 hours... and you'll make more money everyday after that as long as you continue to do your online job.

Here is how you can get all the juicy details.

Discover Digital Wealth...
Create Your Own Financial Future!

The choice is yours.

Spend a lot of time,
spend no money,
make very little money...


Spend about 10 hours,
invest in proper training,
and make insane money...

I'll be waiting at the door of the vault to hand you the combination!

To your success!
Shari Thomas
Digital Wealth... Ask Us!

PS. You really need to check this out, especially if you're totally burned out on MLM, network marketing... and all the stupid money games you find on the Internet. This is that real "work from home job" you've been dreaming about.

Short-cut your learning curve with our unique, constantly updated, streaming media course. Skip the guesswork, the trial and error, the hoping you got the right "tip" from some guru. This leads you straight to the loss-proof profits you've been desiring so badly.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by coming on board with us!

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