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EJ Cooksey
Internet Marketing
Just 4 Families
My Radical Blog
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Location: Beryl, Utah, United States

I am a full-time Internet marketing specialist. I've written 2 successful e-books. My passion is helping other people, especially women, become successful in home business. Most recently, I've moved to Beryl, UT to join forces with a couple of other women. We're jointly creating a number of ways to earn income using the Internet and our off-line skills. Be sure to check out my various blogs, as these will provide direct information to our new business ventures.


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Monday, January 09, 2006

Looks like some pretty kewl stuff going on...

Wow, I don't know about you, but DXIO is moving at about warp speed right now.

No more jokes about "Vanuatu time"... shortly means sometime in your lifetime, etc.

Since the first of the year, it's become very obvious that there really is much more to DXIO than just having an inflated portfolio and the coveted "merchant console".

Last year, DXIO introduced the DX Business concept. At the time, you could register your business, and purchase advertising called AdXposed, like what you see here in my blog.

They also introduced DXTradeBiz, a way to entice other businesses to purchase advertising. I've got to tell you, that's a very easy way to make a few bucks. You find the business, and DXIO does all the work. If ads are purchased, you get paid. I like that a lot.

Along came DXConcierge... at least it's evolving. You can actually book a holiday at the DX Grand Hotel on Vanuatu. Don't really want to go there? That's ok. You can "earmark" rooms with some of your earnings, and then wait for someone else to "challenge" your earmark for an actual booking. Then you get paid "gains"... kind of like interest for having dedicated some of your earnings.

As you can see, there's really a lot more to this business than just growing a portfolio.

'Til later...

Thursday, January 05, 2006

How I got started in DXIO...

Searching for additional ways to make money, I found myself intrigued with DXIO, especially as presented to me. This would be my ticket out of sales and marketing, and into a full-time Internet "job".

I had visions of simply logging into my computer and executing currency exchanges several hours a day, earning a decent income in the process. The fact that no matter when I chose to do this, there'd be work awaiting was a real plus. I could actually see myself playing golf all day and working for a couple of hours in the evening.

Then reality struck...

Well, hold on a bit. Let's just say the timeline elongated. The dream is still there. The "job" is still out in front, but there's a lot more to the rest of the story.

Right up front, you need to know that I came into DXIO by way of a course... the premier course about DXIO, written by Dave Bennett, founder of DXPowerteam. Hands down, he provides the best, most up-to-date information including the "theories" of DXIO.

You also need to know that I market that course. Here's the extent of how I'll market this course to you.
  • I'll use it as a foundation for my perspectives.
  • I'll explain when and where it's appropriate to pay for this information
  • I'll lay out several different strategies over time so you may choose whether or not you want to become involved in this business.
This blog isn't about "sales". It's about providing you information, as well as archiving my thoughts about DXIO.

Now, the DXPowerteam products will cover strictly the "portfolio and console" parts of DXIO. That is forecasted to encompass about 10% of what DXIO is all about over the next few years. So far, it looks to me like the portfolio will be key throughout quite a bit of the business.

Ok, back to how I got started. A business partner and I chose to jump into the marketing of the DXPT Portfolio and Console Course. Together, we've sold several of them. I was able to use the proceeds to fund my portfolio. Basically, my portfolio started with $1000.

Over the summer, I was able to leverage it heavily. While this was recommended as a method to "keep up with the Jones" in the race to own the most digots, that strategy has since been flattened by DXIO.

What was a portfolio with a very inflated value of over $15,000 (actual cash of about $1500) has been re-worked into a portfolio with a Total Digot Value (TDV) of just over $5,000 and actual cash value of about $3500. That's much healthier. I'll explain more about that later.

I've spent countless hours learning about DXIO. I've read virtually everything I could get my hands on (that has any value) in an effort to educate myself about this business. You'll find that even though I started with DXPT, I've broadened my horizons. I'll be dealing with things I learn from the DX4Dummies forum, as well. Those are the two most reliable third party resources.

When it comes to DXIO, I've found that their communication skills can stand a lot of improvement. English (American) is not their first language. They tend to provide instruction and advice that looks more like something from a diplomatic mission than a business portal. I'll be having a lot of fun sorting out their stuff.

Ok, time out for my first love... golf. I'm doing the PGATour Fantasy Golf Rotisserie League this year. Of course, I'm blogging it, too... You can follow along right here.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006


Hello to you and welcome to what promises to be a very exciting site.

DXinOne is a new business concept... er... well more than that. It's an evolving virtual economy which is just now being revealed to the world after 5 long, arduous, sometimes even tumultuos years in beta testing.

For a while (the last year) it looked like the end of the rainbow where all you did was stick a little pile of money in one end and watch it grow and fall out the other. More on that later...

Finally, it's starting, much like a tree in bud stage to look like something much, much more.

I'm using this site to explain my take on things as this virtual business/economy takes shape. From time to time I'll do a little speculation. I may step on more than a few toes in the process. However, I am mindful of copyright and trademark laws and won't be lifting or stealing anyone else's work for this site.

What you'll find here is based on my experience, research, and careful thought process.

Should you find that you want to become involved, I'll share my own personal story and then let you be the judge of what process works best for you.